Surgeon General Dr. Abraham James (Rtd.) – Indian Navy, presented his research paper on ‘Anti-life conspiracy’ under the session ‘Indian Context’ at the event “EVA- Global Symposium on Life”, organized by Eparchy of Kalyan. Dr. Abraham highlighted the harmful effects of contraception and explained it as one among the major challenges faced by today’s world. He emphasized that contraceptives degrade a woman’s dignity which makes her feel like a sexual object.
Dr. Abraham James remarked that “Contraception is deception and it makes women a sexual object, which degrades a woman’s dignity. Contraceptive destroys marriage and its failure causes an increase in single-parent families. Further, he added, “The couples in a family won’t be having a satisfied married life with the use of contraceptives since they are no longer able to share themselves with each other in sexual acts.” He highlighted that the Church teaches the use of contraception as a totally wrong practice and he urged the galaxy of intellectuals gathered for the Symposium to never encourage the use of contraceptives and listed many diseases caused by its use.
Dr. Abraham James concluded his presentation by asking the people to fight against the diabolic forces and to teach the younger generations about its ill-effects and urged to educate the leaders about the harmful effects of contraceptive usages. He reminded the people to equip themselves with the armour of Lord Jesus Christ, against such evil acts.