Indore: A feature film based on the life of Blessed Rani Maria Vattalil, was premiered on May 27 on Atmadarshan TV. The film titled as ‘Sr. Rani Maria: A Story of Forgiveness’, narrates the story of Sr. Rani Maria who worked for the landless labourers while facing several threats to her life and was stabbed to death on February 25, 1995.
The premiere function in Indore was inaugurated by Bishop Chacko Thottumarickal of Indore who recalled on Sr. Rani Maria’s struggles for the poor tribals facing exploitation from moneylenders. “It is a life that inspires everyone and we have tried to portray it in the best way possible,” exclaimed Fr. Selvin Ignatius, the director of the film.
A Bollywood feature film on Sr. Rani Maria, directed by Shaison Ouseph is also set to release in August and will be titled as ‘The face of the faceless.’ This film will be released in both Hindi and Malayalam.
(Image source: Matters India)