He was acting as Chancellor of the Diocese of Palakkad and the Synchulus with the special responsibility of seminarians and devotees. The new mission was to find Peter Kochupurakkal. He was anointed as the first aide of the Diocese of Palakkad which was established in 1974. Born in 1964 in the parish of Palanga, Marangoli. After high school, he joined the Palakkad Diocese Minor Seminary for clerical training.
After completing his clergy training at Aluva Pontifical Seminary, he received the priesthood from his father, Mar Joseph Pallikaparambil. After his priesthood, he served in various parishes and institutions of the diocese. He obtained his doctorate in ecclesiastical law from the Oriental Institute in Rome.
After completing his studies, he served as Vicar of various parishes, Rector of the Minor Seminary of the Diocese, and Judicial Vicar. Currently Fr. Peter Kochupurakkal was appointed as the Chancellor of the Diocese and the Cinchlaus, with the special responsibility of seminarians and devotees.
Known as an ecclesiastical orator and preacher, he is fluent in English as well as Italian and German. The new Bishop’s appointment date will be announced later.