Thiruvananthapuram: Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar Baselios Cleemis Catholica Bawa has published general instructions to be followed in the churches of Malankara Syrian Catholic Church from Sunday to Easter. The respective diocesan presidents shall issue directives under the control of local government bodies outside the state and in the United States.

Even if there is no participation of the people, the liturgy will be conducted during the Tribulation Week, Yama prayers and other services. Diocesan presidents should serve in diocesan churches or in the chapels of their residences. The clergy should serve in the temples where they reside. Do not use loudspeakers. If the services are available to people who live, you can use the mic as needed. The church will generally have a live telecast on the Mount Carmel Retreat Center on Trivandrum.

The presiding officers of the respective dioceses will make the necessary arrangements. On Sunday, Osuna will perform a pale tree holiday. There will be no foot service conducted by the bishops on Passover Thursday. On that day, the clergy will worship the Eucharist in the shrines. The head of the family will head to the Passover loaf at home.

All services and prayers will be held in the church on Good Friday. Prayers will be held in all the houses. A special commemorative prayer will be held for the dead in the mosque on Saturday. Easter services and Mass will be held that night. Catholicos Bawa will be given the blessings of Major Archbishop Mar Baselios Cleemis. Catholic Catholics urge all believers to pray for God’s protection from the great pestilence that the world is facing.


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