Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi, Secretary of All Sunni Muslim Personal Law Board, Mumbai, while presenting his research paper on ‘Celebration of life in Islam’ in ‘Celebration of Human Life in Religions’ session before the galaxy of intellectuals present at Animation Renewal Centre (ARC), Panvel, for “EVA- Global Symposium on Life” explained the significance of life in Islamic context and perspectives. He conveyed that “reasoning” is the quality that distinguish human beings from other creations and highlighted that there is nothing more important than human life in this world, in the creation of Lord Almighty.
Maulana Zaheer remarked that “In this world, Allah has created human beings par excellence. There is nothing equal to a human life in his creations. God created everything else for the convenience and comfort of human beings and so life has a precious meaning in Islam. The quality which differentiates human life from other creations is that they have been given the ability to reason, the knowledge and wisdom to reason and question things.” Further, he added, “When life is considered important, then nothing else should be prioritized over it. Children are a gift of God but do not misuse that gift.”
The Secretary of All Sunni Muslim Personal Law of Board of Mumbai concluded his presentation by reminding the people gathered that “The problem which the world face today is that they don’t realize that a God-given gift should be used in an eternal way.” Maulana Zaheer exhorted the people to respect life and highlighted that we have no rights to disturb anyone’s life.