“The Gospel is interested first of all in the person and his conversion, but, in turn, a person lives in a context that must be purified by the presence of the Gospel,” said Monsignor Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso, Assistant Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and President of the Pontifical Missionary Works. Monsignor Dal Toso was speaking to “Vatican News” in Italian, at the end of the 5th American Missionary Congress (CAM5), which closed on July 14, 2018, at Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia. For six days, more than 2,500 participants in the Congress, whose theme was “America on Mission, the Gospel Is Joy,” reflected on the proclamation of the Gospel, American countries in difficulty and the situation of migrants. Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and Pope Francis’ special envoy to the congress, delivered a homily in the course of the opening Mass of the Continental missionary event.
As reported by Catholic Herald, Monsignor Dal Toso remarked that “The Church lives and shares people’s life. Christians don’t live on another planet when it comes to the difficulties that so many of their fellow citizens live. They certainly bring a particular message: considerations that help people to look to peace, to what unites us and not to what divides us, to reconciliation, which helps them to turn to the most needy and those that suffer most.” Monsignor Dal Toso highlighted the important aspects that marked this American Missionary Congress: sharing, joy and the “desire to go out” of America’s Church.
Monsignor Dal Toso concluded his remarks by wishing to “stress what the Pope also pointed out personally: here, in Latin America, there is a great treasure, which is popular religiosity. This religiosity is an excellent point of departure to graft the Gospel’s message of man’s opening to transcendence. Hence, there are already elements that must be valued, as the presence of numerous Movements and realities must be valued, which also made their appearance in Latin America.
Source: Catholic Herald