Ottawa: A picture of Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi has been released after she was sentenced to nine years in prison for allegedly committing fake blasphemy. The image of Asia’s asylum seeker in Canada came out on Tuesday after a court acquitted him of the threats of Islamist Islam. The pictures that were used before the imprisonment were so widely circulated in the media. The picture is with French journalist Anne Isabella Tollett, who has been heavily involved in Asia’s release.

Annie Isabella is also the co-author of the upcoming Asian Beebe autobiography, Free At Last. Asia looks happy in the picture. In a press release, the Asian autobiography noted that every day in prison was beyond imagination. Asia said she was expressing her experiences and new life in her own words through her autobiography.

In 2009, Asia was jailed for fake religion following a dispute with neighboring women over drinking water at work. The Pakistani court upheld the death penalty in 2010, but the Pakistani Supreme Court acquitted it in 2018 due to strong pressure from the international community and human rights activists. However, the Islamic organizations have continued their attacks. Asia Bibi was eventually sheltered by Canada because of the threat of death.


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