Kochi: The Kerala High Court on Wednesday ordered the blocking of Newsgil’s web portal, which contains religious harassment and Christian reproach. The interim order states that the Home Secretary of the State and ADGP (Crime Cyber Cell) should take steps to block the web portal. Jomon Jose, a native of Idukki Kanchiyar, has filed a petition alleging that the article was published in the News Web portal, insulting the Christian community, the faith, and the Holy Mary. Order of Shirazi.
The chief editor of the portal, CS. The petitioner had written in Libby’s May 12 article on the News Web portal that it was spreading religious fanaticism and hurting Christians and Muslims. The article is insulting to the Holy Mary, whom Christians believe to be holy. The petition says that the news web portal regularly publishes articles that offend religious sentiments and that this is not an isolated incident.
The petitioner alleged that the portal’s activities were to undermine the peace and tranquility of the country and to damage relations with other countries. The petition also sought action against the portal and the editor, under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, for publishing an article blasphemous. The High Court has upheld this argument.
The court also directed to send notice to opposition parties, including the chief editor of the news web portal, the government. The petition also demanded the seizure of the news portal and computer equipment. Advocate for the petitioner. Johnson Manayani was in attendance.