The Vatican Secretary of State, His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, addressed a study day at the LUMSA University in Roma, to mark the 90th Anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts. The Pacts, signed on February 11th 1929, sanctioned the beginning of bilateral relations between Italy and the Holy See. In his address, the Cardinal illustrated how “The challenges today are the challenges of peace. In a world so fragmented and so conflictual, where the principle of multilateralism seems to be disappearing”, he said, “the Holy See must continue to make its contribution to safeguarding the dignity of the human person and to building peaceful societies and nations”.
As reported by Vatican news, The Vatican Secretary of State focused on the roots of the Lateran Pacts and reaffirmed the responsibility of the Holy See to play the “role of the messenger” within the international context. This dialogue with the whole world has the Good News at its center, he said, and is declined, above all, in the “promotion of human rights”.
His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin said this being in “perpetual dialogue” with States is intended to “assure humanity a worthy future”. Through its “positive neutrality”, he concluded, the Holy See does not limit itself to simply looking out the window, but contributes to building a dialogue between the parties involved.