Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered at St. Peter’s Square for general audience meet, conveyed the significance of Christian hope and urged the pilgrims to welcome so many brothers and sisters who are forced to leave their homes in search of a better life. His Holiness while launching Caritas’ Internationalis’ “Share the Journey” campaign, pointed out that no one deserves to be robbed of hope by a soulless and materialistic society.
As reported by news.va, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “As the ancient story of Pandora’s box teaches us, hope remains as the treasure enabling mankind to face with trust in God’s providence every evil let loose in the world.” Further, His Holiness added, “Hope is especially the virtue of the poor and also the virtue of the young, who deserve not to be robbed of it by an often soulless and materialistic society.”
His Holiness concluded his message by exhorting the pilgrims to stay hopeful and reminded that Hope’s greatest enemy is spiritual emptiness, the “noon-day devil” that tempts us to stop fighting and to yield.