Kochi: While developed countries, including the US, have abolished existing laws declaring abortion unlawful, there is no justification for India to adopt a law that promotes abortion. The MTP was formed in 1971 despite strong opposition from the general public. When the Act came into force, the allowable period for abortion was 20 weeks. It has now been raised to 24 weeks.

An advocate of state-level Prakash Javadekar, who argued that the new bill was introduced on the basis of progressive policies and that women should have the right to decide whether to continue their pregnancy, finds the consequences abortive and abolished by the abortion law. Even China, which adopts a one-child-only policy, recognizes abortion woes and corrects population policy.

Do not underestimate the expert’s conclusions that female feticide increases as sex determination becomes easier over a 24-week period. In the case of fetal manslaughter, the laws must be tightened. The death penalty for a living unborn child is being abolished even by the Indian Penal Code, which carries a heavy sentence for homicide. The most fundamental right is the right to be born. Only the poor can afford legislation that would deprive them of this right.

It is unjust to try to promote the culture of death by the law of the central government while highlighting the greatness of the cult of India. The conscience of those who have made a law to destroy the womb of a new generation of sages who have given humanity the message that a man who cannot give life has no right to destroy another’s life cannot conscience. VC Sebastian called for the central government to abolish abortion and to respond vigorously when the present generation of progressives are challenging human life.


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