SAN FRANCISCO: The forthcoming virtual reality video game titled ‘I’m Jesus Christ’ is debating globally. The great feature of the game is that you get to know the life of Jesus Christ. Reports suggest that there are about thirty miracles in the game that can be done, such as healing the blind and calming the sea, as Jesus did during his lifetime. After each miracle, there are parts of the Bible that describe the miracle.
Another important feature of the game is that you must pray for the power of the Holy Spirit. The game’s trailer is shared on Twitter by IGN, an entertainment website. More than 60 million people have watched the trailer on Twitter alone. Though the game’s release date has not been announced, it is rumored that the video game “I am Jesus Christ” will soon be available on Steam’s popular gaming site. At the same time, some have come to the conclusion that it is not possible to favor the content of the game alone.