Miracles happen when human beings join hands with the plan of God. Each child is a miracle in the family life. Over the few decades, there has been a great thought happening about, “Chota parivaar, Sukhi parivaar” (Small family, happy family). When this ideology has become the fashion, majority of the Catholic couples limited the miracles of family to one or two.
Financial struggle, stressful and busy life with work load, maintaining physical beauty were some of the common reasons which led Catholic families to limit the number in a family. These ideologies led to carrying out abortions, family planning, to stop conceiving a life with the help of pills, and the use of condoms or copper-T. Where are we humans heading towards?
Through the Psalms, God speaks to us: Children are indeed a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward. (Pslam127:3). Further, through Humanae Vitae, the Church clearly teaches that, “The transmission of human life is a most serious role in which married people collaborate freely and responsibly with God the Creator”. It is a wakeup call to humanity, ‘we are not anyone to say NO to life’. Let us have a positive outlook towards the Life and stand for life.
Realising this need, the family of Catholic Focus begins a series of stories, which speaks on the value of life, under the title, I stand for Life.