Mumbai: The National Catholic Bishops’ Council (NIO) has issued directives from the Center and State Governments regarding the sanctioning of places of worship. The CBCI circular states that the Eucharistic reception should be followed by the Holy Eucharist in view of the specific context and the number of the Liturgy will be increased to reduce the rush of believers. The circular also states that the use of the Eucharist should be discouraged, but that those who insist on this matter may be given a great deal of caution.

The time of Mass is 30 minutes on Sundays and one hour on Sundays. Those who are above 65 years of age and under 10 and those who have fever or chills should be exempted from ‘Diocesan Day’. If the clergyman touches the believer’s hands while offering the Mass, he may continue to give the Eucharist after the disinfection. These can be used when the dioceses are preparing guidelines for the local situation.

No choir, one can sing. It is also suggested that more people attend ceremonies immediately. Do not store or sprinkle holy water on believers. CBCI President and Archbishop of Bombay, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, in a circular, said: “The general directives are now being issued.


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