Budapest: The second international conference organized by the Hungarian government to discuss the atrocities against Christians globally has begun in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. The main objective of the conference is to raise international awareness of the increasing anti-Christian persecution and to find a solution to Christian persecution through co-operation and coordination between governments, NGOs and concerned persons.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban spoke at the Plenary Session of the Conference. Orban said that the Hungarians believed that Christian values would lead to peace and happiness and that the protection of the Christian faith in Hungary was the responsibility of the Hungarian state.
About 40,000 people from forty countries are participating in the conference. At the beginning of the conference, a special message from US President Donald Trump was read. Cardinal Peter Erdo, the Archbishop of Budapest, Cardinal Gerard Muller, former head of the Congregation of the Faith, and Antoine Camilleri Metropolitan of the Apostolic See of Ethiopia are among the key Catholic speakers. The conference, which began on November 26 at the Corinthia Hotel in Budapest, will conclude today.