Vatican City: Millions of believers participated in yesterday’s global Prayer Prayer to seek God’s Mother’s Prayer as they seek deliverance from the COVID 19 epidemic. About 50 pilgrimages, including from the Americas, Europe, and Asia, became part of the dedication ceremony, led by Pope Francis from the Lourdes Mata Grotto in the Vatican Gardens.
Although only a few people wearing masks participated in the Japmala Dedication in front of the Lope Mata Grotto, millions of believers participated in it live through various YouTube channels and Facebook pages, including the Vatican Media. The broadcast of the Prophet’s sound was also live-streamed on YouTube and Facebook pages.
Those who had been freed from the corona had come to Lourdes Grotto to pray with the pope in prayer. The same altar brought from the Lourdes Pilgrimage in France is also used in the Lourd Mata Grotto in the Vatican. At the wedding feast in Cana, Pope Francis prayed that the Holy Mother be a mediator for the victims and their families of the coronavirus epidemic.
Doctors, nurses, health workers, and volunteers are specially commemorated in the dedication ceremony. The Prayer Chapel was organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization. The theme of the Global Prayer Prayer was “Divot with One Accord to Prairie, Together with Mary”. The mission of Catholic Evangelicals, which has been in charge of Catholic pilgrimages since 2017, has been the driving force behind the dedication of the Japal special.