Milan: Cardinal Renato Corti, president of the Novara diocese of northern Italy and meditation teacher, has died in Milan. The Cardinal left the earthly abode at the age of 84 due to age-related ailments. The Pope condoled the death. Pope Francis has conveyed his condolences to Bishop Franco Julio Brumbiela, the current Bishop of the Diocese of Novara. He was involved in the formation of the clergy and in the general needs of the church, and he was a tender steward of the church.

Born in Como, northern Italy, in 1936, Cardinal Renato attended the diocese of Rome in 1959 and became a priest. 1980 The Vicar General of the Diocese of Milan was appointed Vicar General and Assistant Bishop. 1990 appointed Bishop of Novara Diocese. He was also vice-president of the Italian National Patriarchate Committee for 10 years and served as a post-meditation speaker for Roman Curia. Pope Francis has been promoted to the rank of Cardinal in 2016.


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