Holy Father Pope Francis at the Angelus on St. Stephen’s Day, the day after Christmas, conveyed the connection between the birth of Jesus Christ and the martyrdom of St. Stephen. His Holiness highlighted that Christ’s coming into the world means we must “convert” and change our way of thinking. He also emphasized that St. Stephen was martyred because of his firm faith and proclamation of the new presence of God among men and told that St. Stephen knew that Jesus, the eternal word has come to dwell among us and was the true temple of God.

As reported by vaticannews .va, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “The message of Jesus is uncomfortable and discomforts us. After His coming, it becomes necessary for us to convert, to change our way of thinking. Dying, St. Stephen asked Jesus to receive his Spirit, Jesus is our mediator not only in death but at every moment in our life and so in the presence of the Baby Jesus in the manger, we are able to pray with Stephen. “Lord, Jesus, we entrust our spirit to You; receive it.””

Holy Father Pope Francis while concluding his remarks reminded that Jesus is not only mediator between God and men; He also reconciles human beings with one another.