On July 4 2017, Cardinal DiNardo , Cardinal of the Catholic Church , while addressing the bishops and Catholic leaders gathered together for the final Mass of the Catholic Convocation in Orlando, Florida, conveyed the significance of observing and remaining calm in life, in order to understand the plans of God in one’s life. His Eminence reminded the gathering that it is the silence in life that makes one listen to the word and voice of God.
His Excellency reminded certain verses from the Bible which included the verses from Acts of Apostle and Book of John, describing the prayer by Jesus for his friends during the Last Supper and alarmed the silence maintained by the disciples on the table which made them listen to Jesus and also spoke about the verse of multiplication of loaves. As reported by the catholic news agency, His Eminence noticed that, “Contemplation is the most active thing we can do , if we want to work for the Lord.”
His Lordship concluded by quoting that , “Never are you more active than when the word of God is overpowering you . You are seated there in God’s loving grace , and you realize how much God can let you do.”
Source :www.catholicnewsagency.com