“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” (Proverb 31:30-31)
The Eparchy of Kalyan is all set to conduct ‘Armonia 2018’ for all the enthusiastic and creative mothers of the diocese to showcase their talents on the stage on 18th November, 2018, at Animation and Renewal Centre (ARC), Panvel. The word ‘Armonia’ derived from Spanish means “Harmony of people’s opinions or actions or characters”. The event is organized by the Kalyan Mathrusangham.
The registration for the event will begin from 9:30 am, followed by the Holy Mass at 10:00 am. The inaugural ceremony of the event will be at 11:30 am. The programs on the list includes street plays by 15 teams and margamkali.
This is indeed a great opportunity for all the mothers of the diocese to prove their talents and potentiality to come ahead, out of their fears to their dreams. Fr. Benny is the director of Kalyan Mathrusangham and Mrs. Usha Paul is the president.