1 John 2:6 The one who says he resides in God ought himself to walk just as Jesus walked.
The pilgrim walk ‘Mahatheerthadanam’ organized by the Kalyan Diocese was held at Mother of Victory Shrine, Tikujiniwadi, on 12th April 2019. The services began with a Holy mass, solemnized in the presence and guidance of His Excellency Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal of Kalyan Diocese. In his sermon, the Bishop highlighted that it is very important to move the hardened stone away from one’s heart, in order to believe in Jesus’ healing, to be saved.
The pilgrimage walk was held under the guidance of Fr George Vattamattam, youth director of the Kalyan Eparchy Youth and assistant Fr. Sinto Pullikottil. The theme of Mahatheerthadanam focused on the social issue of drug addiction which is prevalent amongst the youth. Fr. George Vattamattam remarked that ‘Today’s youth are being targeted into the drugs and its various abuses. It is important to bring awareness since today’s youth is the future of our country.’ The participants especially the youth dedicated this walk for social as well as personal prayer intentions and for their spiritual growth.
The Mahateetharadanam concluded with Holy mass followed by novena prayers, celebrated by Msgr. Emmanuel Kadankavil along with Fr. Kuriakose Kalaparambath and Fr.George Vattamattam at St.Thomas Cathedral Church Kalyan.