Karunya Trust of the Diocese of Kalyan had organized a cleanliness drive named “Pro-Eco” on 27th December, 2017, under the guidance of Fr. Paul Kunduparambil, director of Karunya Trust. The energetic children of “Savli Children Parliament” made this social event more successful by setting a good example before the society about the significance of a clean world. The cleanliness drive marked the courage in each child participated in the event, to uplift the society through their social works and encouraged them to understand their roles being a responsible citizen. Cleaning the Nahur Railway station from 12:30 pm, the children of Savli dedicated themselves to be more energetic active social workers and cleaned the station without any hesitations. Taking into consideration the health and safety of the children, they were provided with polythene bags, medical precautions, hand gloves, jackets and masks, to clean the station.
MLA Sardar Tara Singh, the chief guest of the “Pro-Eco” remarked that “We have to make others realize the importance of cleanliness and let each child present here make their parents realize the significance of cleanliness and by seeing this, the society would understand the same. So let others be inspired by your Cleanliness drive.” Fr. Paul Kunduparambil emphasized that “May the people who see us working for the society get inspired by these activities.” He also expressed his gratitude towards each one participated and to all who worked hard for this initiative. Jyoti, a social worker of Karunya Trust highlighted that “Through this cleanliness drive, our main intention was to make each child realize the social worker hidden in them and this will surely encourage them to do more such activities, making them an accountable human being.” Sarah, a participant of “Pro-Eco” expressed that “I felt good doing this social activity and when it comes to cleanliness, I always make it a point to keep my home clean and I also practice the same even when I go out. I truly believe that others will get inspired by our activities. I loved doing it!”
More than 80 people including 63children participated in the Cleanliness drive, which gave out the message of togetherness, love, unity and courage. The enthusiastic young hearts participated in “Pro-Eco” inspired hundreds of people who saw them working for the welfare of the society and this initiative by the Karunya Trust has surely developed in each participant a mentality and attitude of a “Responsible citizen”.