The short film named ‘OLAKH’ made by Kalyan Media Cell (KMC), the powerful media wing of the Diocese of Kalyan, bagged first position in the SIGNIS International Short Film Festival 2018. The short film festival 2018 was organized by the Dicastery for communication of the Holy See.
This is the second prestigious time that KMC has made it to the first position in the short film festival. Last year, the short film named ‘TUNE OF HOPE’ made by KMC had bagged the first prize in the SIGNIS Film Festival 2017 held at Asian level.
KMC is indeed blessed to continue its winning journey for the consecutive years. Fr. Franklin Joseph, director of Kalyan Media Cell, expressed his joy and sincere gratitude towards all the brilliant minds worked behind the creation of the short film- Jentry Johnson, Mathew Jenif Joseph, Allen Toms, Vineeth Paul and Anugraha children’s home. Second position in the short film festival was bagged by ‘Hipocresia’ by Aloi Exequiel (Argentina). ‘What is truth?’ by Catholic Archbishop of Singapore’s Communication Office, won the third position.