Dublin: In Ireland, where high rates of depression and suicidal tendencies have taken hold, Irish producers of “Hope,” a place of hope and healing, point to the shrine of the Holy Virgin. ‘Hope’ is directed by Irish filmmaker Campbell Miller for local actors for the Catholic television network EWTN. The film, which tells the story of his mother’s appearances in Knock, premiered on January 27 in the Vatican. Director Campbell says there is now a greater need for Ireland and the world than ever before.

Aiden Gallagher, chief executive officer of EWTN, said in an interview with Catholic News Agency that she wants to make the Holy Virgin Mother the light of hope for the Irish people and the world. When the Holy Virgin appeared in 1879, the Irish people gained a new sense of hope and hope. The Irish people are experiencing yet another famine and spiritual famine. Gallagher said depression and suicide are becoming a national problem with a view to suggesting a solution.

Northern Ireland has the highest rates of depression among EU-member countries, according to the latest figures. According to the most recent EuroFund estimates, 12% of people between the ages of 15 and 24 are suffering from severe depression. The film focuses on the miraculous healing that took place in 1989 during the Eucharistic worship at Knock’s Temple and was officially recognized in September 2019.

Various commissions appointed by the Vatican have made it clear that the appearance of his mother in Knock in 1879 is credible. As part of the Sunday observance of the Word of God on January 26, Pope Francis presented the Holy Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.


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