One of the attractive sessions of the day two in the 10th National Youth Convention of ICYM (Indian Catholic Movement) at Manglore was get to know the ICYM and its achievements. A panel discussion titled “ICYM & ME” – Witness and Achievements was led by Fr. Joel D’Cunha, first director of ICYM.
It was so lucky to the participants to get to know the brief history of the ICYM from its own very first director Fr. Joel. While prompting the youth, he stated that, ICYM, just doesn’t mean ‘Indian Catholic Youth Movement, but also that means it is place, where we as youths can know and understand “I see why Me”.
The dignitaries present for panel discussion were Mr. Jose Jacob, Mr. Aparna Babu, Mr. Prakash Lobo and Mr. Murphy John. The words of wisdom from the other panel members, sharing lights on the same principles, making the youths understand how special they are, that we are His chosen kids and that how life for them changed, after they decided to be an integral part of ICYM. It was noteworthy that, one of the panellist, Mr. Jose shared his real life example that actively participating in youth activities like ICYM, made his life touched my Jesus and walked His way and with this he was able to achieve all success in life.