Virginia Beach: Revival through the silver screen for the real life of St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland. The film, titled “I am Patrick: The Patron Saint of Ireland”, will be screened in select theaters in Ireland. The show will be on March 17 and 18. The role of St. Patrick is played by John Rhys-Davies, who entertained audiences through the ‘Lord of the Rings’ film series and the James Bond film ‘The Living Daylights’.

‘Fathom Events’, written and directed by Jarrod Anderson, is set to premiere. In addition to myths and legends, the film tells of St. Patrick’s victorious journey from man to a saint, using historical facts, expert interviews, and St. Patrick’s own writings. Director Anderson made it clear that this is the true-life story of a saint we have come to know, from a contented life to slavery, and from there to the faith that has transformed a nation.

The film begins with Patrick, 16, a teenage boy who was living as a son of a government official in Britain. Patrick is attracted to Jesus Christ while he is starving and grieving in captivity. Patrick, who miraculously escaped with his family, returns to Ireland as a missionary bishop to spread the Christian faith through a dream. The Holy See brought thousands into the Christian faith, who had the courage to oppose slavery and the Irish king. It is rumored that this will be the theme of the film.

There are many historical stories surrounding St. Patrick. Some of these include the eradication of snakes from Ireland and the secrets of the Holy Trinity by the use of a three-tier plant. Gordon Robertson is the co-producer of the film produced by Anderson and Sarah Monsell for the CBN documentaries. The movie has the special significance that it will hit the theaters on March 17, the holy day of the saint.


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