His Holiness Pope Francis warned against having a heart that does not listen to the voice of the Lord, saying, by doing so for “days, months, years”, it becomes hard like soil without water. And when there is something that one dislikes about God, he or she discredits and slanders Him. The Pontiff said that many times we are deaf and do not listen to the voice of the Lord, but always listen to the news and the gossip of the neighbourhood.
As reported by Vatican news, The Pontiff drew attention to the First Reading where God recalls how with great care He sent His prophets to his people but they did not listen to them. Instead, they stiffened their necks and did worse than what their fathers did. His Holiness Pope Francis said that in the day’s liturgy, the Church wants each one of us to examine our conscience on our faithfulness to the Lord. It is not about attending Sunday Masses. It is about being aware whether the heart is turning hard, stubborn and deaf, shutting the Lord out and doing what one wants.
The Pontiff said that one cannot be with Jesus and be at a distance. Either you are with Jesus or you are against Jesus; either you are faithful or you are unfaithful; either you have an obedient heart or you have lost your fidelity. His Holiness Pope Francis urged each one to examine their conscience. The words – “faithfulness has disappeared” and “whosoever is not with me is against me” – hold out hope for us, the Pope said.