Holy Father Pope Francis, while addressing the participants gathered in Italy for the 68th Italian National Liturgical Week , conveyed the significance of liturgical reforms. His Holiness reminded that liturgical reforms are a result of long preparations and do not flourish suddenly and also explained the lines regarding liturgical reforms from Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
As reported by en.radiovaticana.va, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “It is not enough to reform the liturgical books; the mentality of the people must be reformed as well and that requires time, faithful reception, practical obedience, wise implementation.” Further, His Holiness added, “There is still work to do in this direction, in particular rediscovering the reasons for the decisions made with liturgical reform, overcoming unfounded and superficial readings, partial receptions and practices that disfigure it.”
Reflecting on the theme of this year’s Liturgy Week –“A Living Liturgy for a Living Church”, Holy Father highlighted and focused on main three points – Liturgy is living, Liturgy is Life through the whole people of God, Liturgy is Life, not an idea to be understood.