Rev. Fr. Shenan Boquet, president of Human Life International, while addressing the intellectuals gathered at Animation Renewal Centre (ARC) for the historical event “EVA- Global Symposium on Life” conveyed the significance to protect life in order to fulfill the mission that the Lord Almighty has given to each and every individual. Rev. Fr. Shenan, from the United States, highlighted that life is a mentality and that mentality is a freedom to choose life or to destroy it.
Rev. Fr. Shenan Boquet remarked that “We have come together for a cause and to come together, we have to be united, single-minded to stand against anti-life. We have the freedom to exercise our own will but that freedom is not a given gift to be used for evil but to choose life.” Further, he added, “We need to understand that we are made for life, for love, for God but today the people have forgotten how to love, how to serve, how to respect human life.”
Rev. Fr. Shenan Boquet concluded his remarks by exhorting the delegates and all other intellectual present in the auditorium to work for life and appreciated everyone who worked behind the