A new category is introduced to be declared as a Saint in Catholic sainthood , by Holy Father Pope Francis . Through his letter, His Holiness conveyed the significance of the faithful who sacrifice their lives for others. This new pathway is considered as a very prominent change in the centuries to Roman Catholic Church’s saint making procedures.
As reported by the npr.org, Archbishop Marcello Bartolucci, secretary of the Vatican Congregation for Saints’ Causes highlighted that, “This new category is intended to promote heroic Christian testimony, up to now without a specific process, precisely because it did not completely fit within the case of martyrdom or heroic virtues.”
The letter declaring the new category is named “Maiorem hac dilectionem” reflecting from the passage in the Gospel of John which says “Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” The new category is divided into five main criteria: 1) free and voluntary offer of life. 2) Connection between offering of life and premature death. 3) Must possess Christian virtues at least ordinary extent before and after offering their life . 4) Must have reputation for holiness. 5) Must have performed a miracle.
Source: www.npr.org