What comes to our mind when we hear the word Mother? Unconditional love, care, affection, sacrifice, humble, pure, etc. isn’t it? That’s how our Heavenly Mother is!
Mamma Mary was obedient to her parents and to God. She was undefiled and that’s because she was spiritually inclined and submissive in doing the will of God. Being young and engaged to St Joseph, she readily accepted God’s will to be the Mother of God’s divine Son our Lord and Saviour Jesus, our Redeemer, chosen by God from all eternity. When angel Gabriel appeared to her with God’s message, she had no idea how she would raise the Child along with the social implications. Yet she said “Yes” without hesitation. Even when Joseph decided to dismiss her, she was firm to do God’s work. She was faithful and kept the words and pondered them in her Immaculate Heart.
From the time, she conceived and after the birth of Jesus, she faced many trials and tribulations but still was strong and always remained under the sight of God. She had complete trust in God. At Cana, it was through Mary, Jesus performed His first miracle.
When Jesus was persecuted and condemned to death by Pilot, it wasn’t easy for Mary to watch her only Son being scourged, beaten, and ridiculed by the Roman soldiers, she was silently watching and her endurance helped her Son to accomplish the mission entrusted to Him by the Father, she was a brave mother without fear who watched her Son hang on the cross. Her love and mercy has always been infinite.
She is the most appropriate role model among all women. As a motherly figure, Mary exemplifies strength of Godliness and maternal instinct. She portrays traits of holiness, piety, and humbleness and as a teacher, Mary instructs women on the importance of trust and perseverance. We should have the same trust in God as Mary had. God has a plan for everyone, just as he had for Mary. He would not deny his children any necessity. We should focus on Mary’s life and not only admire her, but learn from all that she has done here on earth.
As we celebrate the birthday of our Beloved Mother Mary, the Mother of the universe. On this special occasion when we remember the Immaculate Conception, we should seek Her special intercession for all our needs. Wish you all a blessed and wonderful feast of the Nativity of Our Blessed Virgin. We all love you our dearest Mamma Mary. God bless us all.