Holy Father Pope Francis while addressing the faithful gathered at Casa Santa Marta chapel invited them to consider the beauty of marriage. Among the faithful present at the morning Mass were seven married couples celebrating their 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries. His Holiness Pope Francis focused on explaining the sacrament of marriage in his homily message, conveying its significance.

As reported by Vatican news, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Jesus words in the Gospel are very strong. He speaks of one flesh which cannot be divided. Jesus lays aside the problem of separation, and goes to the beauty of the couple, who ought to be one.” Further, His Holiness added, “We must not focus, like these doctors do, on the answer “Yes, you can” divide a marriage, or “No, you can’t.”  At times there is a misfortune, when it doesn’t work, and it is better to separate in order to avoid a world war. But this is a misfortune. Let us go and look at the positive. Man and woman are created in God’s image and likeness; and for this reason, marriage likewise becomes an image of God. This makes marriage very beautiful. Matrimony is a silent homily for everyone else, a daily homily.”

His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his homily by reminding the first Reading of the day, where St James speaks about patience and asked the faithful to have the patience for a successful marriage life.