VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis has declared Maria Laura Mynite, a martyr; who was brutally murdered by teenage girls for Satanic worship. Sixty-year-old Sister Maria was murdered in a park in Chiavenna, Italy. The three girls were later arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment after a trial. Sister Maria Laura had taught the three girls at the Sunday School. Taking advantage of the experience, the girls invited Sister to the park.
Deputies stated that one of them summoned Sister, saying that one of the girls had been raped, that she was pregnant, and that she should talk about it. In the park, they continued to attack Sister’s head with force several times over the adjacent wall, hitting her knees. The three girls then moved in and stabbed Sr. Maria Laura repeatedly. Sister Maria suffered 19 stabs. The Italian media reported that the three had planned to stab each six times. This was in order to form the pseudonymous number 666.
Sister Maria Laura was born on August 20, 1939. She entered the monastic realm at the age of eighteen, and died at the age of eighty-six years after she was appointed Superior of the Sisters of the Cross Monastery in Chiavenna. Sister Maria has served in several cities in Italy. The work of Sister Maria among the poor is still an unforgettable memory for many. Emeritus Benedict XVI had earlier commemorated the death of the Sister who sacrificed his life to pray for the wrongdoers.