“My soul exalts the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior”. Lk.1:46-47
Mary was chosen by God to bring life in human form to the Son of God, to enlighten all of mankind. Mary was chosen because of her natural disposition to be perfectly devoted to the Lord, which means openness to all that God wished to bestow upon her. Mary is described as one who accepts the Word of God and believes that it is being fulfilled in her. She lived a life full of passion, purpose and divine intervention. It was her openness to God’s word and her willingness to receive it that led to her holiness and allowed her to grow in Grace.
Mary knew her own lowliness. In her status, she was a poor young uneducated woman living in a patristic society. Yet she accepted her role in the society with great dignity and humility. She constantly offered her all to God out of love for him.
God made Mary free of original sin at the time of her conception in readiness for her role as Christ’s Mother. We all also believe that Mary was free to reject the role. Instead she answered” Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be according to Your word”. Mary was willing to do what Good wanted her to do. Mary was joyful and enthusiastic about doing God’s will. She was thankful that God was willing to use her. God has plans for us. As Mother Mary did, then discerning and following that plan is the best way to live a meaningful life.