His Holiness Pope Francis while addressing the gathering during the Holy Mass in Casa Santa Marta, invited the faithful to pray with courage. The Pontiff urged the faithful to “pray face to face to the Lord, bringing all our lives to Him with courage.”
As reported by Vatican news, His Holiness Pope Francis remarked that “Much courage is needed to pray. And we are often lukewarm… True prayer is this: with the Lord. And when I need to intercede, I need to do so with courage. In common parlance, people use an expression that I really like when they have a goal: ‘I put it all on the line’… But perhaps the doubt may arise: ‘I do it, but how do I know the Lord listens to me?’ We have a certainty: Jesus. He is the great intercessor.”
The Pontiff concluded his homily by reminding that “Jesus prays for us, in this moment. And when I pray – whether I am convinced or pray like a mercantilist or stutter or struggle with the Lord – it is He who takes my prayer and presents it to the Lord. Jesus has no need of speaking before the Father: He shows Him His wounds. The Father sees His wounds and extends His grace. When we pray, let us recall that we do so with Jesus. Jesus is our courage. Jesus is our security, who in this moment intercedes for us.”
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