Holy Father Pope Francis is expected to visit Myanmar and Bangladesh from November 27-December 2, 2017, and the Bishops in Myanmar have already highlighted that His Holiness Pope Francis should not use the term Rohingya as it may create disturbance in the country. The Bishops in Myanmar exhorted that Rohingya issue would be discussed privately with the government leaders of the country rather than making it a public conversation which may lead to higher controversies.
As reported by cathnewsusa.com, His Excellency Bishop Gervas Rozario of Rajshahi, chairman of Bangladeshi Catholic Bishops’ Justice and Peace Commission, remarked that “I think the Rohingya issue will be highlighted but won’t overshadow the papal visit, Pope Francis is right about the Rohingya and I presume the Bishops of Myanmar are under pressure, so they requested Pope not to use the term ‘Rohingya’” Further, His Grace added, “The Vatican has effective relations with the government and I think the Vatican embassy will advise what the Pope can or cannot say.”
His Grace Bishop Rozario believes that His Holiness Pope Francis is likely to try and convince the governments of both Myanmar and Bangladesh from a human rights and humanitarian perspective, to be more charitable by pointing out Rohingyas too are human beings.