CCBI Commission for Catechetics National Conference 2018 is effectively taking place in Jalandhar, focusing to discuss about the role of youth catechesis in Church in India. The Conference began on 11th September and is expected to conclude on 13th September, 2018.
On 11th September, the conference began with a Holy Mass led by His Grace Archbishop Anil Joseph Thomas Couto of Delhi, CCBI Secretary General, North Region Chairman for Commission for Catechetics. After the Holy Mass, the conference was inaugurated and His Grace Archbishop Thomas Macwan, Chairman and Archbishop of Gandhinagar ,offered the welcome and presidential address. Bishop Franco Mulakal, Chairman of CCBI Youth Commission and Bishop of Jalandhar, offered the Inaugural speech. The Benedictory speech was given by His Grace Archbishop Anil Couto of Delhi.
In session I, the Challenges of Youth Catechesis in the context of Synod 2018 were discussed. Fr. Gilbert Choondal was the resource person in the session and Fr. Philmen Dass was the moderator. In session II, Youth Catechesis: Goals, Objectives and models of Youth Catechesis were presented by Fr. Vijay Machado. Fr. Raymond Fernandez was the resource person and Fr. Chennaiah was the moderator. The third session focused on Organization of Parish/ Diocesan Youth Day. Fr. Chetan Machado was the resource person and Fr. Martin Chintamani was the moderator.