Sharjah: Syrian Orthodox Church of Malankara Jacobite The beginning of the Nineveh Convention led by Daniel Poovanl. The Nineveh Convention, which is coordinating all Orthodox Churches in the UAE, began in 2020 at the Sunero Patriarchal Cathedral of St Mary’s, Sharjah. Bishop Isaac Mor Ostatios inaugurated the convention in the presence of clergy from the parishes of the UAE, members of the diocesan council and the managing committee of the Sharjah mosque.
Thereafter Fr. Daniel led the funeral. A meditation service will begin at 6 pm today. Funeral services will be held at 6:00 pm tomorrow at Musafah Marthoma Hall under the direction of the Syrian Orthodox Church, St Stephen’s Jacobite, Abu Dhabi.
Funeral services will be held on Friday, February 7, at the Mount Syrian Orthodox Church, Mor Mor Ignatius, Dubai. Adarsh George will lead the team. The Mount Carmel Meditation Center has announced on Facebook that everyone is welcome to meditate.