Jesus Nurses Fraternity (JNF) will be having the Nurse’s Day celebration on 26th May 2019 at St Teresa School at Girgaon. The event is planned to begin from 3.30 PM with the registration of the participants. This will be followed by a Holy Mass. His Excellency Bishop Mar Thomas Elavanal will be the chief celebrant for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The Holy mass is followed by the Public meeting and various cultural activities by the Members of JNF.
The ministry of Nurses was given prime importance by Eparchy of Kalyan since its Inception. JNF tries to bring thousands of nurses of our diocese working in different hospitals across the Eparchy under one roof. The Nurse Ministry was formed in 1989 by his Grace Bishop Mar Paul Chittilapillly and Msgr. Thomas Thalachira. In the Year 2002, the ministry took its new name ‘Jesus Nurses Fraternity’ with the initiative of Fr Shaji Parikappallil. Presently led by Fr Joseph Chalissery, JNF reaches out to the welfare of the nurses in the diocese and provides pastoral care for them.