His Excellency William D’Souza SJ, Archbishop of Patna urged the faithful for a Day of Prayer in all parishes across the state to mark the start of the Centenary year of Patna Archdiocese. His Grace William D’Souza recalled the history of the Patna diocese. It was on the 10th of September 1919, when His Holiness Pope Benedict the 15th created the Patna Diocese from the Allahabad diocese. The official inauguration of the Centenary year will be held on the 9th of November, at Kurji parish, in which all the Bishops of Nepal and Bihar, along with the Apostolic Nuncio from Delhi who would be the main celebrant at the Eucharistic Thanksgiving on that day.
As reported by newsnetone.com, His Excellency Archbishop D’Souza remarked that “I am happy to inform you and tell you that Patna Archdiocese will be soon entering its centenary year. I want to remind you that 1919 Pope Benedict XV had declared Patna as a diocese on 10th September 1919, separating it from Allahabad diocese. Patna became an independent diocese. Then, Nepal and the whole of Bihar came under one diocese, which happened to be the largest diocese in the world.” Further, His Grace Archbishop added, “The actual date of the commencement of the centenary year is on 10th September. But 9th September, being a Sunday, I have declared 9th September as the beginning of the Centenary year, dedicating 24 hours for the Lord, in prayer, in adoration, and in thanksgiving, in response of 99 years of God’s faithfulness to us, showering his countless blessings on the diocese. I invite all of you to take part in these 24 hours for the Lord, for giving some of your precious time to spend before the Eucharistic Lord in thanking and praising him for his blessings.”
His Excellency Archbishop D’Souza has informed that “As a preparation of this centenary year, and a culmination of the year of the Bible, a three day convention has been planned, a Bible Convention has been planned in Kurji Parish from 15th October to 17th October.”
Source: www.newsnetone.com