As per data from the 72nd round of National Sample Survey, Christians stands the highest in the per-household religious contributions, among all communities. The data were exactly taken from the NSS’ raw findings by a group of researchers led by Sabir Ahamed of the Pratichi Institute and Zakaria Siddique ,the research assistant at the Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian University.
After Christians, it was Sikhs and then Muslims who contribute more to charity. Christians contribute 296 per household per month to charity. As reported by ucanindia.com, Mr. Ahmad emphasized that “The actual collection is presumably much more than what is indicated by NSS and as per the data Christians are the ones who contribute more for charity as compared to other communities.”
Religious contributions are divided into two heads: the contribution to institutions is charity and the non-charitable part is under priests and rituals.
Source: www.ucanindia.com