Former Manchester United Footballer Philip Mulryne has been ordained a Priest of the Catholic Church in Dublin by Archbishop Joseph Augustine Di Noia, the Assistant Secretary of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith. Fr. Mulryne was a popular footballer in his career till 2009 and then chose his path to the Holy calling and started his journey for ordination entering the Diocesan Seminary of Saint Malachy’s Belfast. He has also taken a vow of poverty.
As reported by the Irishtimes, His Grace Joseph Augustine quoted that, “ Our brother and your beloved son and friend has been chosen by Jesus Christ, the great high priest, to carry out publicly in His name, and on the behalf of the human race, a priestly office in the Church. ” His Excellency continued, “ No one takes this upon himself but only when called by God.”
Fr. Philip Mulryne entered the Dominican Novitiate House in Cork in the year 2012.