In his homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta on Thursday, Pope Francis reminds us that our lives are built upon the “eternal Rock”, who is the Lord, and in Him we find happiness.
Taking his cue from the Gospel at Mass on Thursday (Mt 7:21), Pope Francis urged Christians to sink the foundations of their lives into Christ, rather than relying on the shifting sands of appearances. In the Gospel, Jesus compares the wise person who built his house on rock with the fool who built his house on sand. Those who listen to the words of the Lord are wise, while those who refuse to do so live like fools and base everything on appearances, the Pope said.
Jesus, said Pope Francis, is the only sure foundation, while appearances are of no assistance. He gave the example of the confessional. Only those who recognize they are sinners, weak, and in need of salvation, he said, show that their life is built on rock, and that they believe and trust in Jesus as the source of salvation. So Pope Francis urged us to convert our lives to what does not crumble and blow away.
“We cannot build our lives on passing things, on appearances, on acting like everything is going fine. We go to the rock, where our salvation awaits. And there we will all – each one of us – be happy.” Vatican News Department