Holy Father Pope Francis , while addressing the faithful gathered at St. Peter’s Square, Vatican, made an appeal for an end to violence against Rohingya population in Burma. His Holiness asked the pilgrims to pray for the suffering population in Burma, after the serious conflict between the Rohingya and the regular Burmese army in the city of Maungdaw.
As reported by Vatican News, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “Sad news has reached us of the persecution of our Rohingya brothers and sisters, a religious minority and I would like to express my full closeness to them.” Further His Holiness added, “Let all of us ask the Lord to save them, and to raise up men and women of good will to help them, who shall give them full rights.”
The Rohingyas are an ethnic minority Buddhist population in the state and they began fleeing their native land inducing a refugee crisis. At present, nearly 100 people are officially reported dead in the ongoing clashes, which make insecurities higher for this religious minority in the state.