Holy Father Pope Francis has appealed to all Christians to be spiritually close to Catholics who live in China and to pray that they may live their faith in full communion with the Holy See. His Holiness Pope Francis was addressing the faithful gathered at St. Peter’s Square recalling the day as the Feast Day of “Mary Help of Christians”.
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis conveyed that “This observance invites us to be spiritually close to all Catholic believers who live in China.” The Pontiff also asked for prayers for faithful in China so that they may live their faith with generosity and serenity and be able to make concrete gestures of fraternity, harmony and reconciliation in full communion with the Successor of Peter”. His Holiness Pope remarked that “Dear disciples of the Lord in China, the Universal Church prays with you and for you, so that even amid difficulties, you may continue to entrust yourselves to God’s will.”
His Holiness Pope Francis concluded his remarks by exhorting the faithful that “Our Lady will never deprive them of Her help and that She will look over them with the love of a mother.”