Some 65 officials of the Roman Curia who are on their annual Lenten spiritual exercises along with His Holiness Pope Francis, Wednesday morning greeted the Holy Father on the 6th anniversary of his election as the head of the Roman Catholic Church. Before the morning Mass, on the 3rd full day of the March 10-15 retreat at the Casa Divin Maestro in the town of Arricia, just outside Rome, Italian Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, the prefect emeritus of the Vatican Congregation for Bishops, addressed the Pontiff on behalf of the retreat participants.
As reported by Vatican news, “On behalf of all those present, I would like to say to you, Your Holiness, that we rejoice, that we are full of joy in being able to celebrate this morning Mass together with and presided over by you,” His Eminence Cardinal Re said. “I would also like to say to you that we are asking that Lord be your light, support and comfort in your task of confirming your brethren in faith, of being the foundation of unity and of showing everyone the way that leads to heaven,” the 85-year old cardinal said. The Cardinal concluded asking the Holy Father to bless them and assured him they are truly close to him with great affection and sincere devotion.
It was on 13 March 2013, that Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected as the head of the worldwide Catholic Church. He was elected in the 5th ballot on day 2 of the conclave, following the resignation of His Grace Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February 2013. The 82-year old Pontiff is the first Pope from the American continent, the first Jesuit in history and the first Pontiff who adopted Italy’s popular Saint Francis of Assisi. Six days later, on 19 March, the feast of St. Joseph, His Holiness Pope Francis inaugurated his pontificate with a solemn Mass in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican. Various political and religious leaders from around the world attended the event.