Holy Father Pope Francis flew back to Rome from Dhaka airport, concluding his 21st foreign visit outside of Italy that took him to Myanmar and Bangladesh. The purpose is this papal visit was not only to confirm the faith of the tiny Catholic communities in the two Asian nations but also to carry Christ’s message of reconciliation, forgiveness, peace and harmony among the people. The Pope was given an official farewell at Dhaka airport, where the Minister for Foreign Affairs was present to see him take off on a Bangladesh Airlines aircraft on his flight back to Rome.
His last meeting of the entire trip was with young Bangladeshis, among whom were also Muslims and followers of other religions and he urged the young people to reject the false promises of happiness and go out of their self-centeredness to foster an environment of harmony, reaching out to others.
In both the nations, the Catholic communities are active, especially in their outreach programs for the poor and needy, which the Holy Father Pope Francis commended and encouraged. Overall His Holiness delivered 8 discourses and three homilies, celebrating two Holy Masses in Myanmar and another Mass in Bangladesh with priestly ordination.