His Holiness Pope Francis met approximately 850 participants in a course of formation on marriage and family, promoted by the Diocese of Rome and by the Roman Rota. In prepared remarks, the Pontiff spoke about the need for “accompaniment” for Christian spouses, as well as the possibility of a “permanent catechumenate” for the sacrament of marriage, which would involve “preparation, the celebration itself, and the first moments” in the life of the new family. The day of study and reflection was dedicated to examining the challenges and the pastoral projects concerning the family, considered as a “domestic church and sanctuary of life,” which is “decisive and irreplaceable” for the common good.
As reported by Vatican news, His Holiness Pope Francis remarked that “I developed this theme, especially in the Apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, putting at the centre the urgent need for a serious path of preparation for Christian marriage, which should not be reduced to a few meetings. Matrimony is not only a “social” event, but a true sacrament that involves an adequate preparation and an informed celebration. The marriage bond, in fact, requires on the part of the engaged couple an informed choice, that focuses the will to build something that can never be betrayed or abandoned.” Further, His Holiness added, “Greater effectiveness of pastoral care is achieved where the accompaniment does not end with the celebration of the wedding, but “escorts” at least the first years of married life. Through talks with the individual couples as well as community moments, it is a matter of helping the young spouses to acquire the tools and support to live their vocation. And this can only happen through a process of growth in the faith of the couples themselves.”
Bearing in mind the concern for the eternal salvation of souls, His Holiness Pope Francis’ final wish was that “the horizon of diocesan family pastoral work would become ever more vast,” assuming the “particular” style of the Gospel. This should include “encountering and welcoming even those young people who choose to live together without getting married,” he said, because they too “need to have the beauty of marriage witnessed to them.”