Holy Father Pope Francis in his catechesis at his General Audience reflected on the Paschal Triduum, calling it the center “of our faith and vocation in the world”. The Triduum, or “three days”, begins with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday evening and ends on Easter Sunday. His Holiness Pope invited all the Christians to live well the ‘Holy Triduum’ and to be the instruments of redemption and hope for this suffering world.
As reported by Vatican Radio, Holy Father Pope Francis remarked that “ The climax of the Church’s liturgical year is proclaimed at Mass on Easter Sunday in the Sequence: “Christ, my hope, is arisen; into Galilee he will go before his own.” The Triduum prepares us to receive this proclamation. It is the center of our faith and our hope. It is the kerygma, which continuously evangelizes the Church, which in turn is sent out to evangelize.” Further, His Holiness added, “The Paschal Triduum renews baptized Christians in the meaning of their new condition. In Baptism we are raised with Jesus and we die to the things and logic of this world.”
His Holiness concluded his catechesis by inviting all Christians “to live well the Holy Triduum” and to be “ever more inserted into the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection”.