Vatican City: Pope Francis on Tuesday, May 31 lead the rosary for peace for those suffering in Ukraine and all around the world. The pope recited the rosary and meditated on the sorrowful mysteries before the statue of Mary Regina Pacis (Mary, Queen of Peace) at Rome’s Marian Basilica in union with all Marian shrines all over the world, on the last day of the Month of Mary.
While praying for world peace, the Pope prayed, “This evening, at the end of the month especially consecrated to You, here we are again before You, Queen of Peace, to beseech You: grant the great gift of peace, end the war soon which has been raging for decades now in various parts of the world, and which has now invaded the European continent as well.” He went on to add that the peace is not the result of negotiations alone, but is an Easter gift of the Holy Spirit.
There was a Ukrainian family representing all those who are victims of violence and abuse of war along with a Syrian and Venezuelan family representing the people who suffer unjustly in conflicts. This statue of Mary Regina Pacis was commissioned by Pope Benedict XV to implore Virgin Mary for an end to the First World War in 1918.
(Image Courtesy: Vatican News)